Thursday, December 29, 2005

unacceptable fact


well, i've yet to buy my books and teng is like going to share some books with me. but i dun want it. what happen's when i have the same lesson with her on the same day? and then she has to use my textbook then what am i going to use? i guess she just have to buy her own stuff. she can't always use my books and my notes right? i don't have anyone to rely on for knowledge you know? but she has my notes. so she got something to rely on.

homework, i've yet to finish them. and lots of things. but i'm still on my holiday mood. this fact of school starting is horrifying me. i mean i have to suddenly change everything. my mood, my feelings and my attitude. during the holidays, i just take things easy, relax and do the stuff that i want to do. but when school starts, i can't do these anymore. even if i dun want to do homework, i have to do it or the teachers will coming haunting me. even if i don't want to wake up early, i can't or i'll be late for school. argh!!! i dun like sudden changes and i don't really like change. i just want things to be just as what it is now. if only i could go back in time, when i was like 5 years old. so carefree. so innocent. but time passes fast and the fact is time can't go back. what has happened has happened. and what has gone, has gone. we can't take it back. if i was only in a fairytale, where there is only happy endings. that will be so good. that would be like just a dream. but i know it's only a fable. so i just have to come back to reality when the time pass.

holidays just makes me feel so hard to let it pass. it just makes me feel that holidays should be longer, and should be forever. time should stop here. and 2006 will never come. if only i could do that... if only i could...







i'm not prepared

hmmm. so relief now. finally finished my physic project!!! or maybe not really finished, i don't even know what the rest of the members are doing. i think this is the most shattered project i've ever done before. maybe this is not a CA so we don't care that much about it. well, but i've done my job!!! woohoo!!! three cheers for me!! haha. being high here, so don't mind me. haha.

i don't know what's wrong with my stomach again. it's starting to hurt and i went to the toilet like 2, 3 times already. i think it's because of the ice cream i ate yesterday. maybe my stomach is really sensitive to ice cream. but funny thing is that i don't have stomachaches when eat ice cream in the past. maybe i really have to watch my diet. i have successfully succeeded in stopping myself from eating heaty stuff for like 3 days i think. haha. well, not enitrely not eating heating stuff but less than before. thanks to teng who helped control me when i'm tempted. but she is also the one who tempt me. hmmmph! haha.

when to see cindy's ah ma at the hospital yesterday with all the ah yi-s and most of the cousins. amy and jet went to camp so they didn't get to meet with us. then we left the hospital and headed for east coast lagoon's food village!!! haha. the ususal place where we will go and eat with families... haha. we ate lots of stuff there. at first there was like so little food on the children's table and almost all the food were on the adult's table. but later when we went around to order the food, the plates of food started to multiply. haha. well, i think multiply this word makes it feel like there's lots of food. but it's still very little compared to the food we ordered normally. haha. maybe lesser people around so lesser food bah. haha. we orderd hokkien prawn mee, char kway tiao, chicken wings, stingray, gong gong (from ah gu's store. haha.), carrot cake, oyster egg and lots of stuff. we drink sugar cane juice which was yummy-licious. haha. but whenever we eat oyster egg, we would always laugh at ourselves. because we don't eat the oysters, we only eat the eggs. haha. so waste food but the oysters really are not yummy at all. haha. none of us like it, so no choice. haha. before we leave, ah gu even treat all the cousins there to ice creams!!! that is the part when i started to eat ice cream again!!! it's been like quite a long since i've ate ice cream. or is it not? haha. then joanne and i chatted for a while before we go our seperate way home. took cindy's father's car home. joked a little on the way home. haha. the conversation of sally yi yi and her husband was so funny. it goes like this...

yiyi: you want to see pretty ladies?
tior: where?
yiyi: you go to changi village there.

cindy and i started to laugh.

tior: i want to see real ladies lah. they all fake one.
yiyi: they are more woman than us women ar. you don't look down on them ar. haha. you never see how sexy they wear. haha.

and all of us in the car all laugh. haha. it was so funny.

i really hope that the cousins are going out this sunday although school starts on tuesday. well, we'll just have to see first bah. really spend lots of time with the cousins this holidays. normally, during the december holidays i will go to joanne's house to stayover for a couple of days. but this year i didn't go. cos of work, homework and lots of other reasons. moreover, i don't think mum would let me go to joanne's house this year. i've finished the physic report today just because i really want to go out with the cousins this sunday. i was scared that i could not finish it on time but i really managed to finish it on time!!! woohoo!!! haha. now it's heymath that i've not finished. but i'm taking that easy cos i've left about 20 questions. now i'll just have to wait for the cousins to tell me whether they can make it on sunday or not. and whether my mum allows me to go a not.

sometimes i really don't understand mummy at all. these few days she's been taking leaves from work. and i was wondering why? she said that she was sick but i don't see anything with her. ok let me think... mummy took leave from 22nd dec to 27th dec. then today she took half day leave. why? i still don't get it. it's not that i don't want mummy to be at home but i just find it strange. i know when mummy works, she will skip her lunch and all that. that is why she is so skinny. and can you believe it? she is just 45kg or 48kg only!!! and she's about my height. aw~ she's like so thin. sometimes i really envy her figure. sometimes mummy is scary too. mood swings and all that stuff. sometimes she's good and sometimes she just don't care. well, maybe mums are all like this.

boy's been playing on the com for like so long nowadays. well, maybe it's because it's the holidays. so mummy is angry at him for playing online games for such a long time. so guess what mummy ask teng to do? she actually asked teng to not saved the internet password in the com so that boy wouldn't know it. now it's so inconvinient for me to go online. cos i have to type the password and it's quite complicated. and i also have to type the password and make sure that boy do not see when i do that. argh!!! can't boy grow up and be more obedient sometimes? i mean he's going to be primary 6 next year and he has PSLE next year which is an important exam for him. and he still needs people to make him study and all that. i mean when i was his age, i've already started studying on my own. and mummy always make me tuition him when he has an exam coming up. HELLO!!! i also have exams you know. and it's every week for your information. and why do i have to spend my time on him when i can't even cope sometimes on my own. sometimes i also wish that someone would tutor me and make me study even if i don't feel like it. cos i'm really scared for my O's next year. i really scared i can't cope and seeing all the people around study so hard pressurises me a lot. i'm not really prepared for next year. and time passes so fast. it's like going to be 2006 in about 2 days time. and i still feel that i've not done alot of things and i don't want 2005 to end. i'm not prepared. i really am not. why am i do to? i feel so panicky and lost. argh!!! how?

Time passes so fast. just a wink and 2005 is going an end. school's starting and i've not finished my homework. lots of things i still think i need to do and i've not done. lots of things i want to do and i've not done. i'm not really excited for the new year and i'm not looking forward to it. maybe i've enjoyed too much this holidays that is why i'm feeling like this. or maybe i've not enjoyed enough this holidays that is why i'm feeling like that? i dunno. i don't like this feeling. i've not seen my friends for like ages and i want to see them. but the thing is i don't want school to start with all the exams, homeworks and stuff. I DUN WANT!!! my head is like exploding. i'm not prepared. i know i'm not. what am i to do? SOMEONE HELP ME!!!

i think i gtg. bye!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

stayover christmas

went to stayover at the changi village hotel with my cousins. had lots of fun there. ate lots of chocolates and yummy yummy food. reach the hotel at around 2pm after buying the christmas present and some goodies with mummy. then papa fetched us there and we meet amy and family there. the room was quite ok. and the toilet was way funny. guess why it is so funny? it's like the toilet you usually watched in the sassy girl movie. there is this big hole with a transparent glass. and you could see what the person is doing in the toilet. luckily there is this curtain thingy to cover the glass so that we could go toilet in private. the toilet was way nice. there is this bathtub and there is three showering tap. one tap is to fill the bathtub, the other is the normal showering head we usually use at home and the third one was way cool. it's on the ceiling and when you on it, it's like raining over your head. i love it!!! haha. i think when i grow up and i own a house, i want my toilet to have that!!! haha.

at the start of that day, i was feeling a bit moody. well, it's because i didn't get enough sleep the day before. then i was being a bit mean to my cousins. as in i will just ignored then or show them some moody faces at them. i'm really sorry about it, k? i didn't mean to be like this. but whenever i'm tired, i will be like this. so i'm really sorry. please forget me!!!

joanne, jet and the rest came later. there were alot of people sitting and lying on the bed so it didn't have any space for me to rest on it. so i was sitting on the floor watching my all time favourite entertainment show "100% entertainment", and i started being mean. finally there was space for one to lie on the bed so i quickly took up the space and as i was watching, i slowly fell asleep. argh!!! i hate it to be like this!!! i mean i wanted to spend time with my cousins to the fullest but i was too tired!!! so while i was sleeping, joanne was watching tv or something, amy was sleeping like me ( she fell asleep first. haha.), and the boys went for swimming at the 8th floor. and the pool is like 1.2m only. but it's on the top floor and you could see the scenery there. it was kinda beautiful there. haha. but the pool was so small. way smaller than the usual pool size. haha.

i finally woke up at around 7.30 pm. and joanne is still watching tv. really feel so guilty. make her so bored in the gathering. then amy woke up after me, and we took some photos and went out to have our dinner. went to this hawker center. and we ordered so many things. mummy gave us $60 and we spend all of it on dinner. haha. there was this long queue at the nasi lemak store so i went to queue with ah xiang and brought 5 plates of fried chicken nasi lemak and 2 additional chicken wings. guess what? 1 chicken wing cost $1.50!!! i mean it's so expensive. i thought it's like 80 cents or something. so anyway, we has satay, oyster egg and dessert. lots of things. was so full. after dinner, joyce and teng went home. so left amy, joanne, me, cindy, xiang, jet, boy and steph. then we went to 7-11 and cheers to get some goodies again. (we finished the drinks and goodies that mummy brought for us earlier. haha.) then we walked back and played some games, took lots of photos. exercise abit with xiang. haha. then the boys was hungry again so they went to 7-11 to get food again. and came back with some burgers, mash potato and slurpy. haha. then we watched tv, played games, and took photos and videos again. haha.

joanne was sms-ing to this guy called eddy who admired and liked joanne for about a month i guess. haha. then we ask him to called joanne's hp. and i answered the phone and acted as santa claus to prank and play with him. we were all teasing him lah. then joanne was like put the phone down. don't be so close to him, talk talk can already. haha. so funny. then after that we continued what we were doing before and was getting kind of tired already. joanne and amy were already lying on the bed, wanting to get some sleep. then i wanted to sleep but xiang and jet keep forcing me to be awake. and we continued to play and make lots of noise that amy and joanne keep asking us to keep quiet. haha. and cindy was on the phone with this guy called chun kid. then i really can't stand it and i went to bed at around 3.30 am. haha.

heard from xiang and jet that they stayed up until quite late. xiang stayed up the latest and he had to go to school early in the morning the next day for some leadership thing. haha. power man, can still have energy for next day activites. haha. jet stayed up until 4 am i guess. and cindy stayed up a bit later than jet. haha.

today, joanne and xiang left the hotel first cos joanne had work and xiang had school. then left the rest of us. and we had to pack up and leave. we had breakfast at the same place. then we went to amy's house and i helped amy with her packing for her camp tomorrow. then we went to marina square and walked around. nothing to do there. so we went arcade to play for a while. we asked joanne to come then she actually could make it after work but her mum asked her to go visit amy's ah ma in the hospital with her. so in the end, she couldn't make it with us. then we just sat at burger king after arcade and eat. then wait for time to pass. then cindy say she wants to go to bugis to buy the school bag she saw the other day. but i didn't want to go cos my farecard got no money. we thought of walking to bugis from marina square but a lot of us don't want to. so in the end, we left amy (she's meeting her friend to watch king kong) and we took a mrt to bugis. me, jet and boy stayed at the mrt station and waited for cindy and steph to buy the bag. while waiting we three talk until they finally came. and we took the mrt back home lor. haha. reached home, ate dinner and went to sleep until 11pm. then talked to jet on the phone and went to bath after that. watched 100% entertainment and here i am typing this whole stuff out. haha.

nowadays, i always have this thought that i'm a girl that is so over confident. i don't like that. i like being the not so confident girl that i was in the past. the toot girl that always kept her things in her heart. i don't really like changes. in the past i don't really put down my hair or even the fringe. i always tie it up and wear a hairband. but i don't know when did i started letting it down or maybe even leaving the fringe down. i want to cut my hair. i want to cut it all straight and go back to the normal josephine poh jia lin like last time. i feel that there is always something wrong with me. i mean once i realise that i start to change some things about myself, i think i'm nuts. i think i'm being really over confident. i like being the shy girl or maybe the girl who keeps everything to herself and is a little inferior. i like it that way. i've decided not to change! i don't like changes and i won't change a tiny bit!!!

ok i'm going to finish up my physic project by tmr. and i mean it!!! i hope i really mean it. time passes so fast and it's like 5 more days to school reopen. argh!!! once i think of school, i like have the mind of exams, homeworks and lots of reading. oh well, life is like this. i have to accept it. look on the bright side, girl. you can do it and you must believe in it!!! haha.

ok time to go. bye!!! hope joanne faster upload the photos so i can look at them!!! haha. bye!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

xmas presents?

let's see... today was not a really fruitful day. well, basically woke up at around 2pm. then went to wash up and stuff that i usually do when i wake up. then watch some shows in the tv while mummy, teng, boy and ying went out to buy their books and christmas presents. it's so unfair. i mean i actually wanted to go with them so that i can get the christmas presents but mummy says that i have to stay home cos i just woke up and that i got work later at around 5 pm. argh!!! dun you think it's unfair too? haha.

well, it's xmas. and it's not really a merry one. haha. never even celebrate with anyone this year. well, maybe tmr i will be celebrating cos we are going to have a cousin gathering again. haha. feeling neutral about it after i heard that joanne has work on the day itself and maybe she couldn't make it... so sad. as for amy, i dun even know whether she's coming a not. she didn't reply me in msn. so sad. well as the saying goes, the older you gets the less time you want to spend with your family. not exactly like that. but i think it's quite true. i mean nowadays, everytime we meet we don't know what to do. when we are kids, we used to play alot with each other. but as you get older, you sometimes get a little bored at the things you always do together and you will sometimes think that it's kind of childish. don't you think so?

worse still. mummy wants to reach the place tmr at around 1.30pm with sally yi yi. argh!!! then that means i don't have much time to shop for a decent cum proper christmas present. or rather i should say i don't even have time. i always wake up late in the morning or early in the afternoon cos i always sleep late. so by the time i wake up, it's time we go off to the place where we will be meeting each other. time is rushing. and it's only a one day stay. to say the truth, i don't feel like staying over. i think i'm going home when mummy wants to go home. joanne's not staying cos she got work the next day. i mean why does she always have work?!?!? her stupid manager is so troublesome. he always forced joanne to work. and joanne is working everyday for the whole of this week. argh!!! evil people!!! can't you give her break!!! it's xmas you know!!! hmmph!

FINALLY amy is replying me now. i think she left the com on and went somewhere else just now. haha. joanne and i was thinking of going to shop for the presents first before going to the place but the problem is we will be meeting very late and by the time we reach the place will be even later. so now i'm discussing it with amy... haha... have to wake up early tmr to call joanne about this thing again.. haha. even meetings very to be so troublesome sometimes. well, i have to admit we are busy people. haha...

hmmm... today had work and i served a group of 4 japanese cool guys!!! haha. they're so cool, can't resist not looking at them. was quite nervous when i served then. then we also had some communication problems. but it was easily solved.

jap guy: chicken burger
me: you want a set or the burger itself
jap friend: seto, seto
jap guy: eeyay (no), chicken burger ONLY
me: ok.

then the rest of the three japanese guys also followed their friend. as in when they order the burgers they will add the word ONLY at the end of it. haha. so funny!!! hahaha.

well, time to go now!!! bye!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2005


merry xmas to all!!! haha... i'm so happy and all cheer up now. haha.
i think i've broke my record of having to write so many testimonials in one day. haha.

had work today. and it's the first time that i had a spilt shift. haha. 8 hours in total. and guess what!!! i saw quan yi feng at parkway today when i was strolling around the mall!!! AHH!!! i almost scream out of my head!!! i even made a call to jet to tell him. i was so excited at that moment. she was just walking past me and i turn and whispered to myself: "quan yi feng" then i think she heard and she turn her heads back to look at me and i was so nervous that i turn my back away from her... awwww... i should have ask a hand shake from her... so sad... but i'm so excited and yet nervous in meeting her real person!!! haha... she's was looking for a christmas present i guess... haha... i was trying to look for a xmas present that suits both boys and girls for the next cousin gathering but i couldn't find one that satisfied me. hmmm... think i shall look for it later in the late afternoon. haha.

well, later in the evening i will be working from 5pm to 10pm and it's a double pay cos it's a festival!!! haha... means i will be working for 5 hours but i will be getting a pay of 10 hours!!! isn't it great!!! haha... well, i saw siobhan today who is my primary school friend and apparently forgot me already. haha. she looks pretty and slim!!! figure good!!! haha... and her voice is so smoothing to the ears... awww... really feel like making friends with her once more... haha...

hmmm... the next cousin meeting will be on 26 of dec... one day after christmas but nevermind. we will still be celebrating christmas together!!! haha.... as long as we meet together and have lots of fun together!!! haha... really looking forward to that day!!! haha. haven't gotten a gift for the exchange angel and mortal game yet. but i know all the cousins haven't get a gift yet except for AMY!!! haha.. so fast buy for what. give me pressure only... haha...

well, gtg now!!! MERRY XMAS!!! HOHOHO!!! I HOPE SANTA WILL BE GIVING ME MANY WONDERFUL GIFTS!!! or rather i wish he would give my papa a strong body and a good health. kind of worried for him... haha. well, look on the bright side, jo!!! haha... kk time to go!!! MERRY XMAS!!! hohoho~

Thursday, December 22, 2005

useless day

ok i know it is very late now... it's like 3.25am now... and i've yet to go to bed... haha... everyone's asleep now... i'm suppose to do be doing my physic research but i don't feel like it... i always think that there will be tmr to do... but i guess not... i better do it tmr... or time is running out until school starts i'll be so dead... haha...

ok just watch 100% entertainment... and i think that eason is so crazy... haha. don't you think so? well, just watch S.H.E's new song mv called tian hui. it's kind of touching. haha. and i think the song is very meaningful. really touch my heart sometimes when i hear it. somehow i think i'm losing in everything. hmmm... i thinking i'm losing my voice, losing my figure and losing in a lot of ways. people do get this kind of feelings sometimes. i think it's quite normal. haha.

hmmm... went out with mum, sally yi yi and cindy today plus ying. i think the trip was kind of useless. i mean we didn't do much. just walk around bugis and eat and go home. mum went to cut hair too. oh ya! i woke up at around 2pm today. ok. so basically, i think i didn't spend my day to the fullest today. i mean i didn't do much things at all.

ok. woke up in the afternoon at around 2pm. ate my lunch cum breakfast. next door auntie gave us some food and it was kind of delicious but oily. i like the tang yuan. haha. then watch some tv and went to bath and prepare to meet cindy and ah yi. then we went to bugis to walk and shop. and then we went to eat. after that we left and mum went to cut hair. then we went home. nothing much actually. i don't really like shopping though. it's so boring unless i want to buy something. i think i should just treat it as an exercise. walk alot though. haha.

hmmm... called mos burger to check whether i will be working. and yes. i will be working on christmas eve and christmas day itself.. well, the day of christmas is the day when i will be officially quitting. yup. and on christmas eve, there will be a cousin outing which i cannot make it. i thought i could make it. but NO. i thought i could change my shift but i just found out that i will be working from 12pm - 10pm. it's a split shift. wow!! so excited!!! first time and the last time i guess... haha. hope i won't be working with bustard anymore!!! i've not buy any christmas present yet. and i think i'm gonna burnt a cd for mos burger as a last gift to them... i mean their song is so outdated liao.. time to change to new songs!!! haha...

ok i think i gtg now... dun really know what to update on anyway. haven't been talking to jet on the phone recently... ah boy's been talking to him all day and playing maple... i don't understand boys. they're always like this. and i heard from jet that pigney gonna get him broadband soon. knew that he's gonna be so happy... haha... ok now time to go!!! bye!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

time to slim down!!!

hey peeps. back to blog again... have to blog real fast this time cos 100% entertainment is coming up soon... have to go and catch it... haha... heard it is S.H.E this time... haha...

well, i just found out how heavy am i yesterday.... weigh myself on the weighing machine... so shock lor... guess how heavy am i? 60kg!!! omg. i really need to cut down this time... i mean mum been like nagging at me not to eat too much of chocolates, heaty stuff and junk food but i just treat it as a song... one ear in and the other ear out... haha... so now i am refrain from eating those heaty stuff and i have eat those non-heaty stuff which is cooling stuff like watermelon and stuff like that... haha... but then guess what? mum's colleague gave mum this toblerone dark chocolate with almond nougat in it... so tempting lor.. i mean how can i resist not eating the nougat in it? well, i dun really like dark chocolate cos it's bitter... and i dun get why teng LOVES it so much!!! and then papa keeps buying potato chips which i can't resist sometimes... haha... what am i to do, man?

now i think i'm making a plan of what i will be eating or rather what time i will eat and how much i will eat so that i can control my eating habits and not just eat the whole day through... well, trying to learn this dance that i found in the net but it's kinda difficult... teng and i are so into dancing now... and we also dunno why... haha... i think it's cool. but ya... i got no dancing cells in my blood so i think i can't make it... haha.. plus i keep thinking that working helps me lose fats... but NO... it just helps me gain fat... you know why? cos i work in a fastfood resturant so bascially my lunch or dinner is fastfood which makes people gain calories easily... haha... what to do? it's like that mah... haha...

however, i will be quitting by the end of this week... so maybe it's good... but it's also bad... cos when i stay at home and got nothing to do, i will keep eating... and there is why i'm gaining calories again... at least when i'm working, i got something to do so i won't keep eating... and plus when i work, eating is not allowed until you have your break or you just finish your work... so that also somehow help me control my eating habits... and every time i go to work, i have to climb the overhead bridge which helps me do some exercise. but it's very little... who cares? at least there is exercise... staying at home doing nothing means no exercise... haha... so maybe it's better to work... but you have to see who works with you... you'll get what i mean... haha...

well, i've also been having pimple outbreak on my face too... that is why mum keep asking me not to eat so heaty stuff... cos it somehow cause the outbreak too... haha... now my face is like rotting... sometimes i dun even dare to wear contacts lens out cos i scared people will see the how i really look without specs and those pimples.... argh!!! freak me out when i see my face sometimes... it's so horrible... i mean my once flawless face is now gone forever... so sad right? haha...

hmmm... physic project haven't started... homework not finished... i'm so gonna be dead... and i'm still slacking away now... actually i planned to do my homework today but i was too lazy to read the textbook... it's very wordy but it's like only 5 pages... i think i'm super slacky now... help me please!!! i really need supervision now... i've ask teng to supervise what i eat but she won't cos she noes that i won't listen to her... haha... well, i knew it too, ok!! homework i also need supervision but who is there to supervise me? i mean teng is also slacking, boy no need to say... whole day play maple... i cannot control him already... joyce, everyday go out... she also dun care me one lah... haha... so that leaves ying who is only 4 years old so it's impossible... and mummy and papa already knows that i can take care of myself so they don't really care about my homework... i'm so dead can? haix... really need help!!! haha...

ok i think i gtg now... haha... not a bad entry anyway... haha... bye!!!

eating list
oats every morning for fibre

Saturday, December 17, 2005


hey peeps. it's raining now. but somehow i still feel very hot. it's not even cooling. i dunno what's been happening to me. these few days my body been like so itchy. and i bathed everyday. argh!!! can't stand it any much longer... haha...

anyway, jet came to my house on thursday to stay overnight for 1 day... haha... so happy. we were so worried that pigney won't allow him but to our surprise, she approved!!! haha. then we played, had a lot of fun and so on. good things will come to an end sooner or later. so the next day, i had to go work so i couldn't accompany jet at home. when i reach home from work, he has already left... haha. sad. nevermind. next time we can still stay over. haha.

well, yesterday work was quite ok until bustard came. i really can't stand him. he's such a moron. i mean he's so bias and he keeps picking on me for no reason. and i always have to bear with it. i don't like working with him. luckily tmr work i'm not working with him. i think the whole crew doesn't like him. even kailiang who worked the longest there, also dun like him. he likes teng and ask me to ask teng to come back to work on sunday even though she quit already. and my job is a cashier. so my purpose is to take orders from the customer and serve them right? guess what? yesterday there was a customer on my counter, so i went to serve her and the bustard just scold me for no sending the orders before i go and serve the customer. hello!!! i'm a cashier not a deliever... i really hate him!!! i've already told yong foo that i will be quitting on the 23rd of december. but i can't catch what yong foo was trying to tell me. haha. who cares?

well, project haven't started... i'm kind of worried now. my other group members looks like they are so relax... i got a feeling like they are all depending on me to contact them. hello!!! can you all be more outgoing. can you all contact me and not just i contact you guys only!!! if you read this, please don't be angry. i'm not trying to be mean here. but it just seems that you guys don't feel like doing it. i don't feel like doing it but it's a no choice. you and i have to do it. it's a project whether or not it's good or bad, we still have to do it. try to understand please. i've got no idea what the project is about. i think maybe i'll go and read it up and try to understand what's it's about... haha... good luck to me!!!

hmmm. went to the library to borrow some books so that i can keep fit. borrowed a book called pilates promise. but i don't seem to get the exercise right? it's a good book with lots of pictures in it. but when i try to do it, it's abit strainous... which means i didn't it wrongly.. haix... i try again later... been getting fatter and fatter lately. evertime i'm bored, i will pick up something to eat. shall try to kick that habit out but it's difficult... haha...

well, i think i gtg now... later if i get to use the com then i will blog again... haha... kk. bye!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

holiday homeworks. bleh.

hey peeps. back to blog again. had work today and i met a new girl. haha... still talk about her later. well, guess what i'm up to lately? yup, holidays homework. it's time to start cracking my brains now. i just realise that holiday is about to come to an end. so i better hurry finish up my homework. it's 90 questions of maths. while i was doing them, i just realise that my math has gone worse. i should have practice them when i had the time. haix. now regret also no use. i've still got like 80 more questions... so... good luck to me then. haha.

well, teng is qutting mos burger job soon. i think maybe it's time for me to quit too. but i've yet to work there for like 1 month. i've only done 2 weeks of work. still thinking whether to work while schooling but i bet mummy won't let me want. haix... shall think about it next time.

hmmm... tomorrow i will be meeting sijie to return her the full house vcd. haha. it's been quite a long time since i last seen her. haha. so i'm excited to seeing her cheerful face... haha. i've also got some maths question to ask her. so i hope she could eat breakfast with me and we could do our homework together. yup yup. hopefully it will be like this. but i guess she's not coming off the mrt station. so i just have to pass her the vcds and she will be going home from there. i try to ask her. if she is willing then it will be great! but if she is not, then nevermind. haha.

ok. today i had work. met this new girl. her name is called ashley ang. she's a temasekian too. and she's the sister of ashleen ang which the ji cha po in primary school. well, don't really know her sister. but i don't really like her sister's way of talking. ermmm... and i find that ashley is quite nice. she talks to me a little. actually, i'm a person who doesn't talk in work so it is very rare that i talk to her. but she makes an effort to come an interact with me. haha. she's quite friendly too. heard that she's waiting for her O'level result to be back and she will be flying to australia to study abroad. haha. nice meeting her, i guess. haha.

well, today at work, dean told me that there will be an important person coming to check on the resturant. make me feel so nervous and scared. but in the end, that person never come. so i'm saved!!! haha. hmmm... i find that timothy is quite bias. on my first day at work, he keep scolding me. then on ashley's first day at work with him, he never scold her at all... he just talk quite nicely to her. but better than the way he talks to me. he's such a bias freak!!! hmmmph!!! but he's quite ok now. cos i rarely talk to him too. and amazingly he apologised to me on the previous working day... cos he keep scolding me then i just keep quiet then everybody thinks he is bullying me then he come to apologise to me lor. haha. quite a good method to make people feel irritated when they want to bully you. just act as if nothing has happen. don't care about him. stay quiet. haha.

had discuss some things with joanne about jet. she's quite reasonable. i get what she mean. but i still thinks that jet shouldn't think the way he is thinking now. i don't like the way jet is so addicted to maple. i tried to stop him from thinking or talking about it in the phone but i couldn't. so today on the phone, i kinda gave him this firm warning not to talk about maple anymore in the phone next time. and he felt kind of sad. so i'm sorry, jet! just trying to help you stop thinking about maple. hmmm. i just it's hard to stop someone from addiction. maybe he will get over it as the time goes by. but i think it's kind of hard for him to forget now since it is the holiday and he has nothing to do at home. so he may feel bored and think of maple time and again. well, i can't help much either. so jet, you see it to yourself bah. haha.

it's kind of late now. i shall blog next time. ok. time to go to sleep or rather maybe i shall do a little of my homework. haha. kk. gtg!! bye!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the guilt in me

hey peeps. back again. well, been feeling abit sad. or rather i should say guilty. and also abit bored i guess. it's the holidays and i don't know what i should do.

hmmm. something happened yesterday. had an arguement with papa again. i don't really understand why can't sometimes we don't communicate well. it's like this. yesterday, papa came back. well, since the harry potter outing with my friends incident that day, i never called him anymore. and i never even talk to him from that day onwards. so he came back and i never called him. then he ask me whether i want to go zoo today with joanne, xiang and ah boy. then i say see first cos i don't know whether i got work today. so i went to check and i don't have work. then i said i can go to the zoo with them. then he told me that i have to call joanne and xiang to confirm that they were going to the zoo. and when i called joanne told me that she and the rest didn't want to go. so i was very dissappointed at that time. then i thought of jet who really likes to visit the zoo. and i called him to ask whether he wanted to go a not. but jet had to ask pigney first. so he went to ask and i was afraid that justin and steph were coming along too. cos it's only children going out with no adults so it's difficult for us to take care of the children if they come along. but jet told me that he was going only. then there was this commotion with mummy, papa and me while i was on the phone with jet. then i was so irritated that i shouted. then papa scolded me then i talked back to him. and yup. guess what? we argued again. argh!!! i know this time is my fault. but he don't have to scold until like i'm not his daughter like that right? argh!!! and in the end, i cancelled the trip to the zoo. i don't really have the mood to go either. argh!!!

so now i'm feeling abit guilty. cos i know it's my fault to shout and talk back to papa. but he don't have to rake up the past right? he keep saying that about the harry potter outing incident. and that made me very angry cos that incident was his fault. i actually wanted to put that incident aside but he keep saying it that i can't stand it anymore. argh!!! i'm also quite dissappointed that joanne and xiang rejected my invitation to the zoo. but joanne got apologise to me through sms. now... it's very difficult for me to face papa now. he's not talking to me and i'm not talking to him too. i hate it!!! i hate this feeling!!! argh!!! i talked about it with jet yesterday. but he doesn't understand my feelings. and he keep saying that papa is the best and that kind of stuff. he keeps thinking about internet and what he really wants. sometimes i don't even know how to talk him over about the internet thing.

jet hates pigney because she never help him apply for broadband. so what if she does? you will keep using it, right jet? and then the bill will be high. and you won't do your homework and maple all day long. you always say you won't keep playing maple when you have broadband. but it's not true if you really have broadband. you think that 1 or 2 hours of internetting is not enough. but in real fact it is enough. you know why you think it is not enough? because you are too addicted to maple already. you cannot stop. you don't know how to limit yourself, jet. if i were your mum, i will ban you for using the com for 1 month. and i will keep the internet password to myself so that whenever you want to use it, you have to ask me. and everytime you use the com, you are limited to 1 1/2 hours. that was what mummy did to me when i had internet at first. this was because i was so addicted to it. so jet, please limit yourself from using the com or even the internet. you never use it for research. you use it for playing games. and that's no good. heed my advice, jet. i think it will help you. haix... i know you won't listen to me. nevermind. haix.

well, maybe i'll come back later. i gtg now. bye!!!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

shoo you irritants!!!

hey peeps. actually i got blog one. but the darn blogspot never accept my entry and it went blank. waste my time to type all that stuff...

well, been quite busy these few days. went out with the cousins and went to work too. quite tiring though. ermmm... still don't like the stupid manager. and i found out today that he is quite irresponsible cos he never do the work schedule for next week. and i also found out from teng that he has a girlfriend which i find it so amazing... i mean it's like "oh my gosh, who would want him as a boyfriend, or even a friend? he's such a irritant. unless that person is blind or have no taste lah"... and i truely believe that his girlfriend has no taste. and teng said that his girlfriend is a buck tooth too. which suits him so much cos he has a buck tooth too. and guess what jet said when i told him this? he said this:" oh my gosh, next time their children will all have buck tooth?" haha... isn't it funny?

oh. and today at work, doreen, one of the crew, was like bossing me around. i was like so irritate and i mean can't she do it herself. must she boss me around like that. but after that she got apologise to me lah. i kind of let it off a little but i still will remember it in future. i think i very unlucky cos i'm always the one working with that stupid manager. can't i get other manager. argh!!! it makes me angry just to think of it now. anyway, i'm lucky today cos i got dean as my manager today. he was nice. i think he's the best manager among all of them.

well, today teng went to zoo with the other crew namely, timothy, chen ying, kailiang, elfie, jonathan, stupid manager and his buck tooth girlfriend and an ex-crew member. then teng said that she didn't really enjoy the trip. jonathan was disturbing her the whole trip, which make teng felt so pissed. and then when i was working jonathan was working too. and he was like:" i bullied your sister today at the zoo. you want to revenge for her a not? come on, revenge lah!" then i was like rolling my eyes. actually i think he's quite a nice person but he's sometimes is really irritating and from what teng said about him, i think he's mad too.. haha.

hmmm... i waiting for jet to call me but apparently he didn't. he called me just now. then i told him that i had to go and bath. so i told him to call me back later. and we hung our phones. but he didn't call back anymore. you're going to get it from me, jet!!! haha. well, ah boy is staying at joanne's house now. so good!!! cindy is also staying. i didn't get to stay cos i have work. jet and steph stayed the past three days. they went home today. but i still think they are so fortunate to get to stay over at joanne's house. i always stay over at joanne's house every year. but this year i think is an exception bah. haha. but we cousins still go out during the holidays. yup yup. haha. happy times together.

joanne has also started her new job. she seems to have fun there. but her working place is like so far away from me. it's at the science centre!!! but it's near her house. which means joanne stay very far away from me. true. sometimes i really wish that all the cousins could stay under one roof. then we could have fun all day long or at least see each other everyday. but it's just a wish or a dream of mine. but come to think of it, see each other too much is not that good too. you know why? you see your siblings and parents everyday, sometimes you will get a bit and tired of them. and when you don't see them for a while, you will kind of miss them. so it's like the cousins must have a little sense of excitement when it comes to meeting each other cos it's like a long time we met. then you'll also kind of miss them sometimes too. haha. anyway you can also avoid conflict when you don't see each other that often too. don't you think so? haha.

hmmm... there is holiday homework and i have yet to start on it. which means i'm dead... i better start cracking tomorrow. but everytime i tell myself that i have to do this by which day. i hardly ever do the things that i plan to do. it's always delay this delay that. i mean it's the holidays so i have this thought that there's plenty of time which is not. and i can always do it the next day. haix... and there is also a physic project which my group hasn't started. i bet the rest of the groups have already started. haix... more troubles as the day goes by, huh? haha. must tell myself to be optimistic sometimes... look at the bright side of life, jo!!! you can do it!!! haha.

well, i have finish watching full house!!! and it was awesome!!! the theme songs are nice. <> this song was wonderful. and the other theme song was <> which was fantastic!!! i really love this show!!! i think i'm going to buy the cd. i was going to return the cd back to sijie but she never called to tell me the time. i think i better call her to meet me tomorrow so that i can return her the cds or i think her sister might scold me for returning so late... haha...

well, i guess i have to go now. it's kind of late already... haha.. gtg now!!! bye!!!