Saturday, March 31, 2007

smiley photos

dear faeriefable

i'm feeling so lethargic. i know there are loads of work to do. [well, maybe not that many.] i just don't feel like doing those tutorials in the weekends. but not doing them, makes me feel uneasy. i feel dumb.

i'll just post some photos that the cousins took during CNY at amy's house! LOVE YOU ALL COUSINS!!!

us playing card games.

cindy and melvin discussing in a game of black jack.

xiang shuffling the cards.

me looking spastic and nerdy.

joanne and amy [with her spectacles]

me, joanne and amy in the car on our way to buy yu sheng!

malcolm piggy-backing ying! this picture looks so sweet!

our impromptu shot!

girls in the kitchen wiping up some dishes! i got cut off. haha.

lao yu sheng time!

second round of poker!

my fingers with the mole-liked bloodclot. da jie even thought that i killed the mosquito when i was attacking it. haha. it was so funny!

me posing spastic and dumb again!

cindy looking constipated and blur. but she still looks good too! haha.

melvin's unaware that he's caught on camera.

a photo of our reflection at the shopping mall.

last but not least, our neoprints!

all these photos are taken from cindy's multiply site. haha. i still miss those happy times with them. just by looking at these photos, i will just smile unknowingly. haha. i'm so blessed to have my cousins. love you guys so much!!!

oh! i got a photo from sherman that was taken at the end of orientation.

atlas OGls at the end of orientation 2!

well, i guess most people would love to look at this entry because it contains more of photos than of words. haha. to end off, i want to say that smiles alway help to brighten up someone elses' day and your day, so smile more! bye!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

capabilities or not?

dear faeriefable

i'm quite screwed up now. i seriously think i can't cope in MJC. i've been feeling very moody for the whole of today because i somehow regretted joining wushu as my CCA. but after countless persuasion from calister and advice from joanne, ah peck and a few other people, i decided not to brood over it. since i've already joined wushu, i shall be committed to it and learn to be interested in it. maybe it won't be that bad. maybe i'll be able to find my talent in it. who knows? haha.

well, i shall quit joking about things already. i'm feeling very stress nowadays. the thoughts of the countless number of tutorials i'll soon to have keep reccuring in my mind. it's making bongus! we're only in temporary timetable and we already have chemistry and math tutorials to complete. plus, there is also PW, which is the scariest and most worrying part of all the homework i have! i fear i will not be able to meet the standards that i set for myself. i don't have the confidence to cope with school work. everyone's working so hard in school and i fear i lacking behind in the competition. there's also GP which i have no idea what i can do about, other than reading the papers. [and i don't read the papers!] i bet i can't get into a university! i bet no school wants me! i bet i'll disappoint my parents and everyone else! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I NEED HELP! I NEED ADVICE!! I NEED SUPPORT!!! I FEEL LIKE RUNNING AWAY AND NOT GO TO SCHOOL ANYMORE!!!

i'm offically involved in a NRP project and that will be adding more weight into my workload. i know it's going to benefit me in future. but time is the problem. i'm struggling to juggle school work and projects now. although NRP hasn't even started, i'm very sure that it will take up lots of my time. NRP, GP and PW! i just don't want to think about them! they are ranked as the most feared subjects that i'll be facing in my JC life. i want to master them but i know i'm not capable enough to do so. my english sucks and i can't improve! I NEED TUITION AND I NEED TIME!! I NEED JET AND THE COUSINS SO URGENTLY!! I NEED THEIR SUPPORT!!

teng said: "you're easily succumbed to peer pressure." i totally agree to that. i want a change in life. i want a change in my personality. i want a change in my character. i want to be able to have my own opinions and not get convinced so easily. i want to fight for my ideas. i want to be a capable girl! but am i able to do that? i need an answer.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

things are going well.

dear faeriefable

things are improving already. i just had a mass conversation with some of the newbies yesterday. actually, it's not really a mass conversation because only 4 people are talking. but 2 of them are newbies so i guess this is improvement. they seem quite chatty online but i still don't know whether they will be the same way in person as they are online. i'm so happy that i did something meaningful to save the class!!! YAY!!!

well, after this mass conversation, i think i want to try greater things to get the class bonded. my next challenge for myself would be to get the class eating together during breaktimes! this might be a little hard since ryan pang isn't that enthusiastic as he seem to be. he just admitted to me yesterday in the conversation that he REFUSE to talk to them. maybe orientation 2 was a great impact to him. i've got to make him change his views on the newbies. he keeps thinking that they are nerds. that's what i think when i heard about the bad news from almost all the OGLs that led atlas 5. maybe they still need more time to adapt to new people. that's what everyone's telling me when i was feeling down and troubled about the class a few days ago. maybe they're aren't that bad. i guess we still need more communication and time. i know my next challenge wil be a tough one since i don't know their faces and names and they don't usually hang around with us, so it kind of difficult to get them together. but i know i can do it and i'll going to try! YES!! I MUST THINK POSITIVE!! GO JO!!!

i've got a feeling that even if i succeeded in making them eat with us during breaktimes, the newbies will be neglected. i somehow sense that there will be an awkward silence during breaktimes with them. i've heard about them being quiet people, so what am i suppose to do to make them talk? hmmm. this is seriously a tough question to solve. i think i'm going to let things flow naturally. maybe things will turn out well and not as bad as it seems. one step at a time i guess. haha.

well, if there is anyone reading my blog, can you people just leave a tag or something? i want to know who's reading it. then i can keep some secrets here. haha. yup. gtg now.bye!

Friday, March 23, 2007

the off people = problems

dear faeriefable

i've been feeling kind of moody these past 2 days. well, mostly it's beacuse of the situation of my present cg. i don't really want to talk about it. it's just too horrible to mention it. i just can't believe that i'm in it but i'll just have to get use to it. actually, i don't really want to care about my present cg anymore despite numerous attempts on trying to talk to them or get to know them more. apparently, they are just too dead to response or they are mute. i know i'm being mean saying all these stuff. but they just make me feel depress. maybe i'm making myself depress by thinking about it. -sigh-

the first few days of the week was orientation 2 and i'm so glad that i'm an OGL. atlas 4 was definitely a fun group to be around with. initially, i thought they will not be very enthusiatic. but luckily they were or i'll be such a loser being an OGL. orientation 2 was somehow a new experience to me. i get to know a few new people, namely sham, rebecca, aisyah, yong wen, and the whole of atlas 4. it's been great getting to know them although it's just a short period of 3 days. and the campfire for orientation 2 was totally awesome! it was in the hall because it rained. and we had the air-conditioners on! haha. everyone in the hall was so hype up! i love mass dancing now because i know how to dance! haha. i screamed my hearts out that night and i felt so much better after hearing news about atlas 5 (my present cg) being the most problematic og throughout the whole of orientation 2. but still, i think orientation 1 was better because atlas 7 was a group of super fun people! haha.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)[?]


The Bottom Line

Someone with a very different lifestyle has something to teach you. Be open-minded.

In Detail

You know someone whose lifestyle is very different from yours, and you could learn a lot from that person right now. This iconoclast's free-spirited ways might not be very appealing to you -- but haven't you ever been just a little bit curious about her or his life? Get together with this person, and become acquainted with a radically different approach to living. And don't be afraid to debate things -- this person stands to learn something from you, too.

i got this from friendster a few days ago and i think it's quite true. maybe this is a hint for me to try to interact more with the people in my present cg and to try to improve the situation. i have to think positive and do what i think it's right! YES! I CAN DO IT! GO GO GO!!! JO JO, YOU CAN DO IT!!! haha.

my skin is getting from bad to worse, especially my nose! 2 big pimples and they are leaving scars on my face! plus, my face is starting to peel, probably because it's very dry. i think i'll be looking like a monster by tomorrow! i seriously need some help! i hate it when these problems happen. argh!

i think i gtg now. i have to start the mugging mood again or i won't be able to catch up during lesson time. bye!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

my fulfilling march holidays!

dear faeriefable

this holiday is seriously a fulfilling one! i've never been so busy during my holidays before but this time it was really jam-packed with loads of activities and fun! haha. i've really spent lots of precious times with my loved ones, friends and even school. although, it's just a short span of one week but i think it's all worth it and memorable.

well, i know i haven't been updating lately because of my "hectic" timetable and laziness. but i still do make an effort to come and update when i feel like it and when i'm free. haha. anyway, no one reads it so it doesn't matter. haha.

like what i've said from the start of this entry, this whole week has been a very busy but enjoyable one. i'm so happy that i've got stuff to do during the holidays and not rot at home, eating, sleeping and gaining weight. haha.

11 march 2007 - 13 march 2007
joanne called to ask me whether i wanted to go to sentosa with the cousins as a family outing. well, the outing was kind of a last minute thing because we didn't realised that everyone had nothing to do on that day. haha. so, joanne, jet, me, amy, xiang, steph, justin, wenna and yiting all went to sentosa just to spend time with one another and have fun together. it's the first time that the cousins went to sentosa together. and it's also our first outing at sentosa! haha. a pity that cindy can't go. and teng, joyce and boy didn't want to go, so they've missed out all the fun. haha.

jet was kind enough to offer me a ride to harbourfront. so i waited for him downstairs for his dad to fetch us there. actually, to be frank, i feel kind of awkward to talk to jet's mum. she's always asking me questions and finding common topics with me to talk to when it was very obvious that there is a generation gap between me and her. but i just played along with her. haha. when we reached harbourfront, we went to look for joanne, xiang and yiting near candy empire. we set off for sentosa without amy and wenna because they were super late. i was so excited! it's been ages since i went to sentosa. haha. so we took the monorail to sentosa and then sat on the tram to the very end of siloso beach. settled down and started playing volleyball. there was this boy who kept looking at the group of us, and we were wondering what he was he up to. then amy and wenna finally came and we proceeded on to get ourselves wet. i didn't want to get myself wet so fast but they dragged and thrown me into the sea. argh! haha. so after they got me wet, we started our plans of getting yiting and wenna wet because they just refused to get into the water. haha. eventually, we did the same thing as what they did to me to get them wet. [get it? haha.] then we started playing ball in the water and attempted to swim to the small island at the other side of the beach. unfortunately, we failed because it was pretty far from where we've settled down. moreover, the seabed was very gross. it was like mud plus algae on the seabed. jet and i find it very disgusting. we vowed never to step on it ever again! haha.

after all the fun, the boy, who kept looking at us from the very beginning, called his brother to approach the group of us, wanting to make friends with stephanie because that boy find steph cute?!?! haha. we were so surprised and made a joke out of it. somehow, i feel that we embarrassed the 2 brothers. haha. so we started teasing steph. finally, that boy took the courage to approach us and wanted to know steph more. steph went to chat with the boy alone while we continued our ball game. before the boys left, they chatted with the whole group of us, wanting to know where we're from and how are we related. obviously, we didn't gave them the real answers that they wanted and we somehow continued teasing them. however, they said something nasty to jet before they left which made jet fuming with anger. haha. [don't take their words to heart, jet! they don't know you. and to you, they are just nobody-s. so don't bother about their words.]

well, after all the drama, we left to bath and took the tram and monorail back to vivocity to have dinner at burger king. initially, we didn't plan to stay over at joanne's house, but after countless persuation from the cousins, i finally gave in and stayed over. i was somehow worried because i have school the next day but i ended up getting the flu virus from wenna and couldn't get up to go to school the next morning. so i messaged miao ying to tell her that i can't go because i was sick. seriously, i think wenna has the potential to spread germs to practically anyone. the whole group of cousins in the room all caught the flu virus! [thanks wenna! as if! haha.]

i planned to go home on monday but somehow or rather i got pressured by jet to stay over for another day. so i spent my sunday, monday and tuesday at joanne's house. we went to bugis on tuesday because joanne had a job interview there. but she was late and the office was already closed so it was a wasted trip for her. just to spend more time together, we went around bugis junction and took a few neoprints together. then we waited for joanne's mum to have dinner at food junction. after dinner, we bid goodbyes and left for home. so basically, i spent my first 3 days of the march holidays with my cousins. it's been quite some time since i had a stayover at joanne's house and i still enjoy staying over at her house with the bunch of cousins. haha.

14 march 2007
cg outing was on this day. we went to ecp to cycle, bowled and arcaded. i was pretty broke by them and initially didn't want to go. however, i feel bad about not going and was unsure whether i should or should not go so i ended up going. as expected, i was the latest to arrive because i woke up at 9am which was the time i was supposed to meet them at bedok interchange. so i called miao ying to tell her that i'll be going straight to ecp myself to meet them. we booked the bicycles at 11am and started cycling towards bedok jetty. i took a few breather there and was feeling kind of relax with the breeze and the sun. anqi started teaching me the mass dance moves at a shelter near the jetty. it was kind of embarrassing at first, to dance in public. but later on, i started to ignore the stares and just learn as much as i could from anqi. then we continued cycling towards the end of ecp, near safra. the scenery there was great so we decided to take a break over there. realising that we only got around 45 minutes to 1pm, we started leaving for the bicycle kiosk to return our bikes on time. regina and miao ying were singing while cycling and i realised they really have great vocals. maybe next year they can perform in mjc's soiree concert. haha.

we made it back to the kiosk on time, and proceeded to have lunch at mac's. siyi joined us as she promised. then we went to play arcade because marina bowl was packed and there wasn't any lane for us to bowl. we have to wait until 4.30pm to get a lane, so we played arcade until around 4.30pm before going back to marina bowl. well, i think playing arcade is a waste of time and money but we had quite a lot of fun playing photo hunt and DDR. haha. and i found out that miao ying is super good in DDR. she can really dance, man! i didn't want to bowl, so i just watched the few of them bowled. after bowling, they wanted to have dinner together but i was on budget and didn't want to spend any more money, so i left them for home. haha.

15 march 2007
i went to school in the morning for atlas OGL meeting. at the same time, i went to buy my uniform. CGs and orientation groupings were released and so i went to check the CG i was in. i didn't really do much in school because we have to wait for the materials. Anqi was feeling happy but also low at the same time, because one, calvin is in the same CG as her, and two, she's not in the same CG as the group of 07S201 PAE. [cheer up, anqi! we'll still stay in contact. and we're still going to see each other in school.]

i left at 12 noon with Azy, a new friend that i've made. i was kind of worried for the NRP interview at NTU. it was such a short notice. i only knew that there was an interview the day before. i was so stressed up that i didn't really sleep well and kept reading articles related to the project. papa fetched me to NTU and we somehow got lost there because the place was huge and complicated. i found my way there eventually and was kind of worried that i'm late but to my surprise, i was the first one to arrive. the hwa chong boy was very late. well, the interview was horrible and i asked plenty of stupid questions. i think i won't be settled to do the project. -sigh- guess i'll just have to let fate do the job. i've did my best and i'm still in a dilemma on whether i want to do the project or not. but since i've gotten myself this far to the project, i guess i'll just give it a go if i'm selected. after the interview, i realised that the competition for university admission is very intense. all the smart people like those students in VJC, HCI, TJC and NJC will all be competing with me. plus, they're all taking 4h2 subjects which gives them higher chances of getting a scholarship in the universities. i kind of regret putting 3h2 and 1h1 for my subject combination. i'll just pray hard that i can make it through JC and get myself a place in the university and get a well paid job after that. -sigh- i've got so many worries.

16 march 2007
SENTOSA OUTING! haha. well, i know this is the second time i went to sentosa for the week, [i've never went to sentosa for so many times before. haha.] but this time round i was with a different group of people.

well, i went to sentosa with the TKGS gang. [me, sheng, siying, calister, sooming and peck hong] we had a lot of fun and did quite a bit of catch up. i got tanner too but it was uneven. [argh!]

ok, i'm a bit too lazy to update already. and the entry is just too long! haha. plus, calister have already updated her blog with pictures in it. so i think i shall just use calister's entry as part of my update. haha. [oops! calister, lend me your entry ok? haha. thanks!]

so updates on the sentosa outing with the tkgians are in calister's blog. haha. there's more pictures than words in her blog so it's less tedious to view them. haha.
calister's blog :

i think i'm done with this entry. as you can see, this march holiday is indeed packed with fun activities. mum's been nagging me. to sum it all up, i'm broke, tanned and tired but still a much happier person. and i feel more loved from my family and friends than before. haha. well, i gtg now! bye!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

boring day

dear faeriefable

i'm bored. i've got nothing to do at home and it's a day break from school today. i should really make good use of my time but i just don't know what i should do. i know i have housechores to do but looking at the state of my house, it would really wears me out to do the housechores. haha.

well, i've been having weird dreams lately and it sometimes bothers me when i wake up. these weird dreams seem to be like a sequel. they have got the same people in it and it somehows interlinks with reality. sometimes, when i wake up, i would still think that i'm dreaming. man! i think i'm the only person in the world who is like this. i should just not sleep and grow eyebags. this way i won't even have to think whether i'm dreaming a not. haha. [just kidding. who would want to grow eyebags?!?!]

oh! joyce told me about her dream today. and it was about me and her quarrelling. [what a dream to dream about! haha.] she said that we were fighting over a piece of necklace which she really wanted to wear out but i refused. she was so pissed off with me and that's the end of her dream. so funny. haha. i think she's having her holidays now. she seems so free at home. i really think that she should help me out with the housechores. haha. ok. i'm being lazy here but come to think of it, who would want to do the housechores during their free time? i know joyce washed the dishes and i did nothing. i volunteered to wash the clothes but whenever i want to wash those stinky dirty clothes, it's already washed by someone else. haha. so it's not my fault that i didn't do the housechores. haha. what a lame excuse!

anyway, i haven't buy my uniform yet. the queue was so long yesterday and the day was so hot, so i decided to buy them during the holidays. it's so troublesome to go back to school just to buy your uniform. i think i'll definately look weird in those blouse and skirt. it's been a while since i wore 2 piece uniforms, but i think i'll get used to it sooner or later. haha. argh! travelling to school is such a chore! the distance from my house to school is so far and i don't wish to go to school just to buy uniforms. it'll take like less than an hour to buy those uniforms and i'll have to travel for almost an hour just to reach school to get them. plus, the days that i need to go to school to settle some OGL stuff does not clash with the days that the uniform stall opens. argh!!! this is so irritating! haha.

i feel so whining today. haha.

gtg now. this entry is pretty short. i think those people who reads my blog would finally heaved a sigh of relief. haha. i know reading my blog is very tedious. i'll try hard to cut short but i'm very nagging and long-winded so don't mind me. haha. ok. bye!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

last cg outing

dear faeriefable

everything went out smoothly during the last cg outing. it wasn't as saddening and emotional as what i expected. haha. basically, we just met at tampines interchange, waited for the latecomers and then proceeded to play badminton at tampines sports hall. everyone was having a great time throughout the outing [or maybe three-quarters of the outing. haha.] all of them played quite well, and i've realised that shilin is from badminton when she was young. so cool! haha. the way she scooped the shuttle cork from the floor is totally cool! it makes me want to master badminton even more although i know i'm not really very good at it. haha. so, after playing badminton, everyone was exhausted and hungry. but still, it took us a lot of trouble to decide where to eat since everyone wanted to dine at different restaurants. i was quite irritated when the mass of us could not coorperate and come to a final decision on where to have lunch. i almost yelled at them but i didn't. haha. finally, and i mean FINALLY, we settled at jack's place and ate the student's meal there. the food was good and totally worth the cost. haha. just like all outings, we would spent a huge amount of time chit chatting and making lots of noise while eating and after eating. i've also realised that i've a made a fool out of myself, making so much noise, doing so many nonsensical actions and creating a scene in the restaurant! next time, i'm going to stay cool, calm and quiet during the outings. somehow, i regretted reacting the way i did during the outing. i feel such a nuisance now! argh! haha.

back to the point. after eating, i took out the chocolate that i've made as a gift to those who will be leaving MJC. i was feeling quite embarrassed to take it out in such a classy restaurant. i was afraid that everyone will find the chocolate disgusting and didn't want to eat it. plus i wrapped it up in aluminium foil and put it under all the stuff that i brought. i thought it would be squashed by my things. haha. apparently, it did not and after much persuation and support from miao ying, i took up the courage to reveal the chocolate that i've made. i was so scared that i would be a disaster but everyone told me that it was alright and the decorations were quite presentable. haha. i find the chocolate a little too hard though. i expected it to be softer. haha. it took us great effort to cut it up and share among ourselves. and like what i've predicted, we made a mess after eating the chocolate. haha. but, oh well, it's over and i don't want to embarrassed myself again by doing goodies for people. i'm not going to cook for anyone unless the people are extremely close to me! argh!!! i'm feel like a crap now, after mentioning about the chocolate that i've made. argh!!!

we left jack's place at around 4pm and it was really good-bye to shilin. man! i'm going to miss her and the memories that she brought to us. haha. so, i took the train home and bathe to get really to leave for the airport for the next part of the cg outing. i left the house at around 5pm [the time that we were suppose to meet] and saw papa and ying at the lift. haha. papa was nice to offer to fetch me to the airport. so i took his car to the airport. haha. the trip to the airport by car was way awesome! the highroads at the airport was amazing. haha. anyway, i was late as usual but i didn't missed out a lot of fun as the rest of the people were waiting for sherman's arrival. haha. our plan of picking sherman up at the arrival hall failed because yuheng got the terminals all mixed up. we were waiting at terminal 2 while sherman arrived at terminal 1. so we went to skytrain and held put "placcards" up for sherman to see when he alights the skytrain. haha. i was very excited about riding the skytrain but everyone was being such a letdown by not taking the skytrain with me. i somehow forced miaoying, shuzhen and siyi to take the skytrain with me because i was making so much noise at the airport and being so kiddish. i can't believed i did all these!!! now i feel like digging a hole and hide myself!!! argh!!! this is so embarrassing! it's been ages since i rode on the skytrain and i realised that the ride was pretty short and there isn't much to look out from the window. [in fact, there isn't any nice scenery at all!!!] most of the people were starving AGAIN! [i'm really having the thought that these people are pigs. they get hungry so fast! haha.] so we went to check out the restaurants that terminal 2 have. and AGAIN, we took such a long time to decide where to eat. sherman was really tired and moody after his flight. he was showing a black face all the while and i was feeling very bad that i made a lot of noise unknowingly. [sorry, sherman! haha.] FINALLY, we decided to dine at swensen's and i ate curry chicken baked rice! the food was delicious, just that it was a little too spicy after eating it for a while. we were all chit chatting until around 9pm when we realised that it was getting late. so we left swensen's, bid goodbyes to one another and headed off to take the train home. overall, i think the cg outing was a success as everyone enjoyed themselves. i'll missed all of you people in 07s201 and i hope we'll stay in contact and remember the times we spent together as a CG. i'm going to miss those happy times with you people and i'll remember you guys. so don't you dare forget me!!! haha.

i've splurged alot these few days. i really got to save up my money now or else i won't have any cash to spend during my march holidays. haha. someone please help me control my expenditure or else i'm going to be bankrupt!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! haha.

well, family expenses are high these few days and i've realised that joy, teng and me wants to cut our hair. after much consideration for the family, i've decided not to cut my hair for now and maybe wait for a later and more appropriate time to cut. i don't want mum to be upset about getting our haircuts. i know she wants the girls in the family to keep their hair long and shiny. moreover, i'm not settled about the haircut that i want so i think i'll let it go this time. i want to help the family to save money because i feel so bad splurging so much money these few days. plus, i have to get more money from mum to buy my uniform and books. man! this will cost a bomb! seriously, i think i'm way too spend-thrift after entering JC life. i've got to control my spendings!!! i really got to say "no" to good food and outings from now onwards. i'm not being a good girl now! i got to stop this immediately, once and for all!!! JOJO!!! NO MORE SPENDINGS OR NO MORE CASH FOR YOU NOW ONWARDS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

i'm feeling a little lazy now, so i think i'll update on the tkgs outing in my next post. haha. ok i gtg now. bye!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

jet's talent

dear faeriefable

well, it's sunday today!!! i'm so relaxed! haha. there isn't much to do at home except for housechores which i usually escape from doing them despite mum's constant nagging. haha. i've started doing this food project yesterday and i hope it will be delicious and edible to eat. haha. it's going to be a surprise!!! haha. i'm so excited!! i love surprises! haha.

tmr is the last cg outing we're going to have. it's sad to know that we're seperating but that's life. there's always meetings and departures in life so we'll just have to accept it. i'm really going to miss the folks in 07s201 and the fun we had. they're such lovely people to be around. i'll cherish the last moments we have as a CG. i'm going to make tmr's outing the best ever and make us of our time together to the fullest! haha. we're going to play badminton, dance mass dances, eat together and have loads of surprises to come! haha. hope tmr's outing will be a success! haha. i'm so looking forward for tmr!!! haha.

yesterday was one tiring day. i had MMM try-out and we practically walked the whole of singapore's town. ok i'm exagerrating here but seriously, i was super exhausting. haha. we travelled by train from pasir ris to dhoby ghaut then walked from dhoby ghaut to riverside point then to esplanade followed by some unknown place around bugis area and back to esplanade. the whole of group 4 walked for about 7 hours, with breaks in between. haha. it was a good exercise, i guess. and i made quite a number of friends too, though i don't really remember their names. haha. so after MMM rackey [i think it's spelt this way. haha.], i went home to start on the food project. it turned out quite alright actually. i was hoping that it would be a disaster because i'm not good at baking and stuff. haha. teng helped me so that i won't make a mess out of the living room and the kitchen. haha. i've not finished the food project yet, still left the decorating part. i'm afraid i'll ruin the whole thing when i decorate it. frankly, i'm not the arts and craft type of person and it's difficult to decorate the food when you have limited resources. haha. i'll just have to make do with the things i have. haha. hope it will turn out well eventually. haha.

oh! jet started his heart attack @ the disco video tribute a few days ago and shown me his final product yesterday. it was terrific! love it man! haha. mum, teng and boy even praised him while watching it. haha. mum even wanted jet to do a video tribute for the aunts. haha. so funny! haha. seriously, jet, i think you're super duper uber talented in softwares, games, and video making! you're so IT savvy! i lose out to you, man! haha. your video making skills have also improved alot and i love the effects in that latest video of yours! haha. i want to learn from you! one day, i'll go to your house and we'll start on a new cousin tribute together. haha. i've also started liking click five songs because of your video! you sure are good at music selection, jet! and i trust your taste. haha.

i shall promote jet's talent cum video here. haha.
jet's video:

gtg now. going to continue on my food project. haha. bye!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

dedications to MJC peeps/ black book present!

dear faeriefable

i'm so touched by the peeps in MJC! they're such sweet people! they did this super duper meaningful black book for me as my birthday present! it's got loads of photographs, doodles, and wishes from the friends that i've made in MJC! oh man!!! i feel so fortunate!!! i didn't really expect them to put in so much effort into making my birthday present because we barely know each other for long. normally, i would receive birthday gifts from friends that i have known for many years and i thought this year would be the same. well, i was wrong. i'm so blessed to get to know this bunch of nice atlas bananas!!! they really bring colours to my life in MJC!

i've been so happy the whole day!! i just can't stop smiling while looking through that book! it's like so memorable and it brings back memories of the times we had during orientation and lessons. time really flies when we have fun. just looking through the black book makes me think of so many wonderful experiences i had in MJC and the friends that i've made. i'm really going to cherish the book and these people! i can't help sharing this joy to the whole world now! i feel like telling the whole wide world that these people are extremely fabulous people that i've ever seen!!!

after all these things that they done for me, i feel so bad that i've not made much effort into getting to know these people well and to treating these nice folks as well as they treated me. i even accused them of laughing at me! i feel so guilty!!! man! why did i do all these things!!! i should really reflecton my actions and the way i treated them. AAAHHH!!! this guilt is making me feel like a baddie!!! man!!! i think i should buy some chocolates or something to show my gratitude towards them or i will seriously feel that i'm a mean soul! haha.

i've been looking through the book umpteen times already and also shown it to numerous people, boasting about how nice the peeps in MJC are. the contents of the book is making feel so emotional but at the same time happy. emotional because many of us will be going to different schools and classes and we'll all be seperated. happy because i realised that there are many people around me that loves me and cares for me as friends. this feeling totally fits into the song "all good things come to an end" that nelly furtado sang. aw~! i'm so confused about my feelings now! at one moment, i feel jumpy and chirpy. then another moment, i will feel so blue and solemn. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really need help in EMOTION MANAGEMENT!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! haha.

let's leave all the doleful topics aside. i should be feeling happy now and no one is going to spoilt this feeling! my main objective of this entry hasn't been fulfilled. i'm here to thank people and i'm going to thank them now so here goes...

many thanks to the peeps that put in so much effort into making the black book. i know i gave you guys a hard time to hide this secret. i was suspecting something weird going on the past 2 weeks [all that phototaking sessions and stuff] and i've been asking around. i was guessing whether the black book, which you guys were keeping it from me, was for me. i've asked calvin and he somehow convinced me that i'll find out sooner or later whether i was for me or not. i've tried to asked the others but failed. you guys really keep your mouth zip very tightly!!! but i'm glad you people did that or else it won't be much of a surprise to me. i was actually starting to be convinced that the black book was not for me because days past and i thought that my birthday has already been a history to you guys. well, i'm very thankful to guys for making this birthday a memorable and colourful one. it's been really enjoyable knowing you people and having you people around during lectures and tutorials. although i know there are times that i've been mean and nasty to you people, i truthfully hope that you people will forgive me for all the unhappiness that i've created and i hope that you people will stay cheerful and happy always. i also wish that you guys will not get tired of all my silly actions and my existence. i know i didn't treat you guys as well as you people treated me. i'll try hard to know you guys well and give you the same treatment as what you guys gave me. i truely am touched for all the things that you guys have done for me and also for the experiences and fun that you peeps gave me. i know i may be nagging, annoying and stupid most of the times. but please bear with it. i'll try to not ask as many questions in class as possible so that lessons will be carried out in a normal way and time will not be delayed for you guys to leave for recess. ok. this is getting more and more emo. haha. back to the main point. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU PEOPLE HAVE GIVEN ME. I'LL CHERISH THEM FOR LIFE AND WILL REMEMBER YOU GUYS REGARDLESS OF WHERE WE'LL GO IN THE FUTURE. HOPE YOU GUYS WON'T FORGET ME AND I WON'T FORGET YOU PEOPLE. THANK YOU GUYS ONCE AGAIN!!! haha. THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! haha.

oh ya! i know that rachel contributed alot to the black book. shall write one thanks solely for her although i know it's quite bias... sorry peeps. haha.

to rachel: i know you spent countless sleepless nights making this book. sorry about that. because of the book, you have developed eye bags. i'll give you tips to reduce it if i have. haha. thank you so much for everything! really glad to know you as a friend and the rest of the gang. i feel bad about the blog incident. i'm so sorry. forgive me can? haha. well, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE BOOK AND THE MEMORABLE 17th BIRTHDAY!!! really appreciate the things that you done for me! YOU ROCK! and continue rocking... haha.

ok i think this entry should be long enough. it's like half emo and half enthu. haha. hope you guys don't mind. but seriously, it's a pity that we're going to seperate soon. so we should and must make full use of our time together and cherish it. agree? haha. ok. i gtg now! bye! thank you guys so much! i'll cherish the book and place it in a super duper uber safe place! haha.