Saturday, December 30, 2006

Howl's Moving Castle

dear faeriefable

i'm feeling a little melancholy now for no apparent reasons. i haven't been updating my blog since christmas. yes. i was feeling lazy these few days and have been thinking about lots of things regarding school's reopening and life in a new school. i know it's only for one and a half months but going to a new environment takes great courage to adapt into it and make new friends. i don't know how i'm going to cope with the new life in a new school. thinking of it makes me shiver with fear. i feel so uneasy. -sigh-

well, i guess i'll start off by talking about the things i did a few days ago.

27 december 2006
it's the first day of school in MJC and i was feeling a little sick. didn't have a good night sleep in the previous night. was tossing and turning about in my bed and feeling so scared and uneasy about school. then slowly went to sleep at around 4am, i think. so i didn't have enough sleep and was having a slight headache in the morning. i was running late for school but luckily pa fetched me there. made in on time. haha. checked my grouping and sat on the hall alone with strangers. all my friends were in different groups as me. was rather relieved when i found out that the groupings were just for today. had a whole day of talks about the subjects that we were going to take in school. MJ gave us a very short time to decide on what subjects we were going to take. they told us to fill up the form by 11pm on the day itself. but i was quite sure of my first choice. didn't know what to put as my second choice so i ended up choosing the same choices as sheng jie. haha. just hope that i will get into my first choice... -another sigh-

28 december 2006
escape trip! went out with calister, kendra and siying. coincidentally, calister's sister and friends were also going to escape so we went together. well, it was a disappointing day with the rain ruining our plans. we only had one ride on the flipper and that's it. end of story. no more rides in escape. haha. but there were also lots of gossiping, fun and stuff. haha.

ok. i'm lazy to talk about this. haha. so for more information about the escape trip, please go to haha. it's calister's blog. and there's pictures too!!! haha.

29 december 2006
the day started off well actually. but i was not really in the mood. woke up in the morning to find that my toothbrush went missing!!! what a bother! i knew something was going to happen to my brush sooner or later. a few days back, i had a feeling that someone kept using my brush or dropped my brush because it was wet in the morning even though i didn't use it at all. and now, it was even worse! it went missing!!! argh!!! ok back to the point. i was being a good sister on that day. haha. mum was telling me that she was feeling exhausted with all the book shopping so i volunteered to go buy the rest of ah boy's books with him. hence, ah boy and i took off to bedok view secondary to buy his books and socks. then we headed to century square to meet teng to shop for school shoes and mattress. we bought the mattress that mum was eyeing for ages. the mall was so crowded that ah boy got his feet ran over by the wheels of a wheelchair. haha. unfortunately, we failed to buy my school shoes because i was not in the mood for shopping and seriously, i've never like shopping before. haha. i'm so not a girl. haha. anyway, because my brush was missing, teng went to singapore post to help me buy my toothbrush while boy and i wait for her at the bus stop. then we took a bus home.

i didn't do much at home actually. was lazing around at home, waiting for the time to pass. then mum called me to get ready to leave for cindy's house to have steamboat with the cousins and all. i didn't know what was the occassion but who cares. it was just a gathering. really enjoyed myself there and was chatting, joking and laughing away with the cousins. it's been a while since we had a decent steamboat. haha. the last steamboat we had was a disaster because the place was so chaotic!!! i didn't like that place. yup. back to the point. haha. after the steamboat, we gathered around the computer and continued chatting. then we played twister!! haha. it was a fun family game. the cousins and i were so twistered up. haha. then we went down to watch tv and eat fruits. and soon, it was time to leave. jet and family left first, followed by xiang and family. i wanted to finish watching my 10pm show first before leaving the house. so my family and i left the house last. haha. pa called while we were walking to the bus stop. he told us to wait for him at the shell petrol station while he come and picked us up. so we waited and he picked us up. duh! haha. being lame here, don't mind me. haha.

reached home and watched anime with boy. it was the last episode for GET BACKERS! haha. well, the ending was quite nice actually. haha. then i went to bathe and didn't want to go to sleep. intended to watch Stick It again but joyce lend it to her friends. Stick It was such a nice movie although i think the songs they use and some of the characters in the show was kind of lame but overall, i gave me a passion to exercise more and to get myself into shape! haha. So, i didn't get to watch Stick It again. Hence, i decided to watch Howl's Moving Castle since i didn't watch it before despite having the VCD at home for so long. haha. the movie was great but i was a little lost at the story plot. haha. somehow, i feel that Howl looks a little like Lee Joon-Ki, a korean actor. i only mean LOOKS as in the hair and stuff. just a LITTLE only. haha. i'm loving howl's moving castle already. just like the time i felt in love with spirited away when i watched it. haha. the song kind of touches mt heart. haha. looking forward to more Mizaki's work! haha.

30 december 2006
finally, i'm writing about today. haha. well, i didn't do much today. mum woke me up in the morning to get myself ready for the edusave thingy held at the community centre. had to reach there at 12.15pm. waited a long time for the prize giving to start and left after taking my reward. haha. many of the students were feeling restless and irritated by the long wait. haha. mum told me that many parents were complaining that they couldn't enter the hall to take a photo of their kids. i bet mum was one of the parents that complaint. feel so embarrassed about it. parents! haha.

i went home after taking my edusave thingy and then started binge-ing on food again. after that i went to watch Howl's Moving Castle again!!! haha. Howl's voice is so nice!!! because it's Takuya Kimura's voice!! haha.

so here i am blogging about my stuff. i'm thinking of making my own blogskin. have a really nice one in my mind now but it requires alot of photos. hence, i'm still pondering on whether to do that blogskin or not. or whether to change my blogskin or not. haha. i shall ask for opinions from others before making my decisions. ok. gtg now! bye!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006


dear faeriefable

i'm now in Joanne's house, spending Christmas with my cousins. well, this christmas is quite different from what we usually do previously... had a countdown on the backseat of the lorry. cool right? the lorry is joanne's dad's vehicle. it's been such a long time since i'v sat on the lorry. and we were all going mad, screaming, singing and wishing merry christmas to every vehicle that went pass us. haha.

the day didn't really went well at first. was kind of pissed with jet because he didn't dared to ask pigney for permission to go out despite telling me how much he wants to come out with us. so i had to wait for him for ages to come out of the house to meet me at the mrt station. after that, we headed to bugis to meet xiang, who has also waited ages for us to arrive. then we did some window shopping round the mall before going to the airport to pick malcolm up. the plane was taking such a long time to land so we had to wait for about 2 1/2 hours in the airport, doing nothing. haha.

then we had the countdown while joanne's father sent us to her house to spend this merry christmas night! haha. we settled down and had dinner together. then it was cam-whoring in joanne's room with malcolm's cool macbook. haha. we did loads of stupid pictures. haha. shall ask joanne for the pictures. haha. then we wanted to pranked call some people but our attempt failed because it was too late. so yiting [joanne's friend who also spent this christmas night with us] and i had a competiton on piece-ing the puzzle pieces together. it was such an unfair competition!!! she started first so obviously she ended first. and she kept disturbing me and ruined my whole master piece in the end!!! haha. but it was all fun and laughter in the end. haha.

so here i am blogging about my christmas night. will be staying up very late but seems like the cousins are very sleepy. cindy has already slept. haha. we intended to bake cookies in the middle of the night but failed to do so because we didn't have the ingredients. so jet and i shared a bowl of red bean tang yuan instead. everyone's going to sleep but i don't want to sleep so early during christmas. so i'm going to watch some videos with jet accompanying me. haha.

ok. gtg now! bye! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! HOHOHO!!! haha.

Friday, December 22, 2006

triumph in the skies

dear faeriefable

it's like 4.30am in the morning now. and i'm still not sleeping. haha. been sleeping very late or rather early lately. i just don't understand why i can't get into sleep like the whole of my holidays. argh!!! so irritating!!! been having weird dreams when i'm sleeping. and i just had one yesterday. i was dreaming that i was saving my idol BoA from wanting to die?!?! how ridiculous is that right? haha.

well, i've been thinking that i'm a very meddlesome person. and also an unreasonable person. yesterday i was talking on the phone with jet and we were discussing about the trip to escape on friday which is today. in the end, we decided not to go since he's not interested in going and there is so little people going so we might as well cancel it and not go. i was so disappointed and was trying to force jet into agreeing with me to go but then i felt that i was being unreasonable and cancel the whole trip in the end. i'm such a bully to do something like that to my phonepal. how silly of me. haha. i'll just forget about going to escape this holiday. anyway, come to think of it, escape's not really fun. it's kind of boring too. haha.

so everyone's asleep now and i'm currently using the com in the dark. i have to type quietly and watch my every movement in case i wake anyone up. haha. currently in love with this song called triumph in the skies by eason chan. it's the theme song for the 10pm show in channel, which is also called triumph in the skies. haha. it's so nice!!! too bad, i don't know cantonese and i don't speak it so i don't know how to sing it. haha. but i think boy and i are so hilarious. we're always singing some words that we know in the song and just hum the song out when we don't know. haha. so it's always so nosiy when the 10pm show starts. haha.

christmas's coming and i have no idea how i'm going to spend it. probably with the cousins. but they are BUSY PEOPLE and they've got their own friends too. somehow i feel that we are getting further and further from one another. somehow we don't really have much topics to talk about. i just think we've grown up and have gone our own routes in life so we have many things to do individually and many of our own friends to talk to. hence, we're not like when we were kids, when we meet each other every weekends at ah ma's house and play around, and we don't stay over at each other places as much as last time anymore. so much things we hadn't do in this holiday like what we always do in previous holidays. this holiday is definitely different from other holidays, i guess. haha. well, as long as our bonds never change, i'm sure we'll still stay together like always, just that we've grown up and have more things to do than before. haha. all of the sudden, i'm having the nostalgic feeling. haha.

i'm listening to First Love by Utada Hikaru now. it has always touch my heart whenever i feel it. it's such a classic! haha. haha. one of my favourites, definitely! haha.

i've been having spagetti (spelling error. oops) for dinner everyday. it's so delicious. and the noodles are so thin! it's called angel's hair. haha. and i'm eating with meatballs! haha. chicken and mushroom meatballs! thinking of it makes me hungry. haha. trying to control my diet now. have to stop myself on binge-ing into food. i've pasted a note on the fridge to prevent myself from taking food out from the fridge late at night. it says: "JO NO EATING AFTER 9PM" and i drew a food picture with a cross over it. haha. it's working quite well. but i sometimes will have a small nibble on some food. or when my mouth's feeling itchy, i'm eat fruits as an alternative to the goodies in the fridge. haha.

i've decided to not lock my blog. so i'm going to remove it later. think i gtg now. bye!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

posting day

dear faeriefable

today [14 dec] or rather yesterday [cos it's already 3.20am on 15 dec] is the day that we'll know where we are posted to for the 3 months trial in JC. i got posted to my first choice! MJC science! i didn't know it was yesterday until melissa called me to ask me where i was posted to. and i was so puzzled at what she was telling me. our conversation was something like this...

melissa: hello josephine!
me: ya... [bored voice]
melissa: why you sound so sad?
me: where got? i'm not sad.
melissa: you are.
me: no lah. where got?
melissa: where are you posted to?
me: huh? post what?
melissa: post to which JC lah.
me: today know the result?
melissa: ya. don't tell me you don't know.
me: ya i don't know.
melissa: faster tell me your ic. i help you check.
me: don't want. i want to check myself.
melissa: i don't care! tell me!!!
and the bickering goes on...

how lame can melissa get man? haha. she's always going against me. in a funny way that is. haha. so in the end i gave up to her and told her my ic and hung up the phone. ran to the computer room to check where i was posted to. am overjoyed that i'm posted to MJC but there was no one to share my joy with. i went online and no one was there to chat with me. told teng and her expression was -_- she just gave me a "orh" reply and that's all. i thought she would also be happy for me and congradulate me or something. but nothing of that happened. smsed calister to ask her. knew many people are posted to MJC. well, now i don't have the happy feeling anymore. moreover, i feel even more lonely than before. i feel so sad that i can't share my joy with someone. feel that there isn't anyone that understand me all of a sudden. haix...

intended to go to ecp to cycle with teng, boy and jet yesterday. but it was pouring. so we postponed the trip. we're going later in the afternoon. intend to have a picnic after we cycle. feel so excited about it but teng just told me that she will not be going cos she will be having lunch with mum in the afternoon. what a bother man? but i still hope the trip would be a success. praying that it won't rain later in the afternoon. please don't rain!!!

well, been eating quite a lot late at night. had cut down a little of my snacks in the afternoon but when it comes to dinner, i can eat like 3 plates of rice and still feel hungry later in the middle of the night. oh man. teng is suspecting that there are worms living in stomach. impossible! didn't have any stomach aches lately. and that's such a dumb way of thinking. haha.

haven't given melissa her present. she's such a bother. like everyday not free. haha. anyway, recently i've been listening some of fish leong's songs and they are awesome. love them to bits man! and the MVs have so touching and funny stories to it. haha. been having weird dreams lately too. and i don't know why. dropped quite a lot of hair lately. i think i have oily hair. trying to not tie my hair and wear hairband at home. but after 30mins, i would just feel irritated by my hair and get them all tidy up with the rubber bands and hairbands and etc. well, just have to take things slowly. it's already an improvement that i'm not able to wear my hairband for 30 minutes. haha.

wonder what are the cousins up to lately? haven't heard from them since the last cousin outing. actually it is not counted as a cousin outing since we didn't do much or go anywhere. we just stayed at amy's father newly opened cafe and sat around doing nothing. well, christmas is coming and we've yet decided on the programmes that we want to do. no place to go to celebrate and they seem busy too. guess this christmas will be a lonely and humdrum one. just let things happen naturally. i let my hands off all the cousins outing liao...

ok i guess i've said much. gtg now. considering taking the password off since it's so troublesome and i don't think strangers would come anymore. haha. ok. gtg now. bye!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


dear faeriefable

well, i've been pigging out the whole of my holidays. think i grew fatter now. with the 15th asian games at doha these few days, i look at myself and see my pathetic shape. all the lumps of fats protuding out. i want to stop eating but when there's nothing to do, all i could think of is to pop food in my mouth. i tried to stop myself from the temptation of all the wonderful snacks i have at home but once i see my siblings eating them, i can't resist myself but to join them. i just can't stop once i start munching away. even my siblings have been nagging on the amount of food i can gobble in one day. you must be thinking that i'm exaggerating right? but it's all the truth. i've just finished a huge box of cereal all by myself in one afternoon. so i guess my family's weekly groceries can end up in my stomach within 3 days... haha. i've got to stop myself or else i'm definitely going to be overweight for sure. intend to go on a sweet potato, tofu and apple only diet. but i don't think i can make it. SOMEONE HELP ME!!!

i've just finished preparing the a-math notes for teng. will be teaching her functions since she requested. well, somehow i feel so proud of myself for piling up the notes for her. although i cannot guarantee that it's very good. but i've look through the past questions that i've done, the a-math textbook, my TYS and so i'm quite satisfied with the work i've done. now i'm all done with the notes, i've got nothing to do again. was quite excited when teng gave me this task because i feel that it is a challenge to teach someone and that i like teaching. i like spreading my knowledge to people, especially when it comes to math. actually, i've got lots of time to finish the task. however, i've got carried away and finished it today. [the deadline teng gave me was friday] tomorrow i will have to go through the notes with her and i'm done with the task. yay! haha.

there has been quite a number of mosquitoes in my house lately. one just flew past my face just now. wanted to hit it but it flew by so quickly. i'm typing in the dark now cos i would wake mum and teng up if i switched on the light. been doing some blog hopping since i was so bored until i have to resort to this to make myself busy. haha. no shows to watch lately. i think i'm going to give up on KO One since it's not really an interesting show. it's kind of lame actually. i'm so inspired to be a pilot or to work in the aviation industry because of the 10pm show on channel U. it's so nice! i've never had this feeling for a long time. the last time i was inspired was yet another pilot show which is called Good Luck!, a japanese drama played by Takuya Kimura!!! haha. well, i don't want to be an air stewardess. A pilot would be great but my eyesight would not meet one of their compulsory standards. moreover, a pilot has to keep improving his skills and take lots of exams. it would take many years to be an incredible pilot. plus, a pilot also has great responsibilities because the lives of many people is in the hands of the pilot. hence, i think i would be able to carry the huge responsibilities a pilot carries. however, i'm still very inspired to work in the aviation industry. i'm sure there is lots of jobs out there. haha. i'm such a daydreamer. haha.

well, i think i'll update soon. gtg now. bye!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


dear faeriefable

today's just a typical boring day, except that mum's at home amd ying didn't go to school because her teachers went for training. well, i've been pondering what to give melissa for her birthday present. *scratch head* got to go to the mall to check out some stuff before i settle on what to give her. she's one nutty friend. she's so funny and crazy all the time. and she's also a very convincing and influential friend as well. i didn't know that her birthday was on 8 december. luckily she told me or else i will feel so guilty not giving her a present. she's such a special friend. i've never got such a lunatic friend before. mostly people would say i'm the weird one but seriously, compared to her, i'm the loser for being weird. she's one psycho friend man. haha. well, i've still got no idea what she wants for her birthday and christmas. chat with her online a few days ago and she's totally mad. i asked her what she want for her presents. and guess what she told me? she wants me to get my hair done. what a stupid answer right? normally, people's birthday is where friends and family give gifts to them but she wants to give people gifts for like no reason. so rich huh melissa? got a job and now can become a money tree already. you should save your money for rainy days and you should not spend your money frivolously. haha. who am i to teach someone a lesson when i myself spend all my money on food? haha. well, i've decided to send her a package as her birthday present but what's in the package? i have no idea. haven't decided on what to buy for her. i need someone to accompany me on a shopping trip. maybe i would be asking jet and cindy along on my shopping trip. haha.

oh! and i forgot to say something important for this dear friend of mine whose phone bill cost a bomb because she just call anyone she feels like calling. here goes...

i'm a badminton craze lately after i saw this 17 or 16 year old singapore badminton player played in the 15th Asian games. her name is ai ying and she's one awesome badminton player. i saw her playing with the korean player where ai ying lose to her but the game was fabulous. i was so impressed by both of them in the game. oh man. my badminton craze is up already. now i feel like playing. but the floor downstairs is wet because it just rained. moreover, it's a little windy and there is no indoor hall for me to play with my brother. sad. shall wait till the evening then. haha.

been singing quite a lot with the earphones on my ears and the music loud that i can't hear myself singing. boy and teng told me that i sang out of tune when i always do that. haha. i wonder how i sound like when i do that. haha. it's so funny. they say they will record how i sing next time. haha. seriously, i think i don't have the musical talent. haha. i'm such a joker. haha.

well i think i gtg now. bye!

Friday, December 08, 2006


dear faeriefable

today is yet another useless and boring day. i didn't do anything useful at all. in fact, i'm just rotting at home, using the com for no reasons and have no shows to watch. i haven't finished the taiwanese show that i've recently started which is KO One. but i have no intention to watch it these few days because i just feel so listless being so inactive at home. watching tv, using com, eat, sleep and repeat the process all over again. how dull can my life get? haix...

anyway, tomorrow's the day!!! the day when the cousins are meeting again!!! well, it's also the day when amy's father's cafe opens. i'm so happy and excited to meet the cousins again!!! haven't seen them for ages. well, not that long i guess. haha. but life been so boring without them. and they seem busy all the while. so i guess they don't really need me. but i think i can't survive without them. they're the one i miss so much when we never see each other. talking about the cousins, i wonder what are we going to do this christmas. any new programmes? seems like this holiday, there won't be any chalet. genting trip is already cancelled. and there is no chalet. that means we'll be meeting each other lesser. that's so sad. jet can't leave his house for no reasons. and cindy has her CCA to deal with. amy, joanne and malcolm have school. da jie have to work. raymond kor kor has his girlfriend already so don't need us. haha. -sigh- i've got nothing to do. now i'm really envying them being so busy. teng said she wanted me to tuition her but she didn't even tell me when she want it. i think she doesn't want me already. boy can manage himself. he's like me with nothing to do. but boys are easily addicted to online games. so i think he has no problem spending his free time away. i really have to crack my brain hard to think what i can really do this break. melissa says to change my style and my studying method. i know all these but the problem is where and how to start. i'm always having these problems. haix...

well, i'm intending to change my hairstyle. i'm trying not to wear my hairband but i simply can't. i'm already used to living with my hairband on or i'll feel very uncomfy without it or i'll feel that something's missing. but mum says that i look a little boring with the same hairstyle for years. yup. i've been wearing my hairband since i've started schooling. so it's a habit that i wake up and put my hairband the first thing in the morning even before i wash up. but i've notice that my forehead is balding. soon my forehead would look higher and higher. i don't want it to be like that. and the only way to prevent this from happening is to stop using my hairband. but what can i do to keep the bangs up? tie it up? isn't it the same as wearing a hairband? i'll just have to find a way out. any suggestions please? haha.

second thing i have to change is my studying method. my family can't stand my studying method. so i have to change it. even melissa can't stand it too. it's also not good to my health also. i'm trying to use reading to change my studying method because previously when i read, i have to read aloud like how i study. now i got to train myself to read in silence and to absorb information fast and quietly. got to take a long time to train myself up but i'll perserve no matter what. YES JO!!! GO GO GO!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! JIA YOU!!!

ok i think i gtg now. bye!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


dear faeriefable

i'm all alone at home. teng, boy and ying went to have lunch with mum at her workplace. i didn't want to go because i don't feel like seeing mum. well, sometimes, i just hate my parents. i feel that being with them is just so awkward and they are like so fake. i just want to avoid these kind of situations. moreover, even if i go out with them, i don't have much things to talk about with them. i guess this is what people called generation gap. oh well, just like things be the way it is. i don't really care much already.

well, recently my parents quarrelled again. i think it happened on monday. papa wanted to have a talk with mum but he sounds so angry and fierce. so we feared that he will use violence on mum. he wanted to go downstairs to talk to mum but mum don't want cos she was afraid of him. then mum went into the computer room and i was at the door to stop pa from locking her in the room. but pa had so much strength that i could not push the door against his force. then mum was left alone with pa in the room. we were so scared and we kept crying outside the room. teng went to call sally yi yi for help. sally yi yi came and went into the room to calm things down. i was quite relieved when sally yi yi came. i really didn't know what to do and joyce was not around so i was the eldest among the children. we could only sit outside the room and keep crying. they were shouting and screaming at each other. seriously, i think this is very bad for the children and me in the house but what can we do? they're not good parents who set good examples in front of us. they are just selfish people who only cares about themselves. i could hear pa saying things about me that doesn't sound nice at all. now i know how he sees about me. how he thinks about his daughter me. i hate him. i don't even feel like talking to him. he only thinks that he's the only one right in the family. he's such a bossy idiot. GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!! I HATE YOU!!! YOU'RE JUST A NOBODY!!! i don't see you as my father anymore. how can you be my father when you say those stuff about me in front of my aunt and mum? how can you ever think that way about me? i really don't wish to see you. after this quarrel, the urge of leaving this house grows stronger. everybody seems even more fake now. it's just a pretence in their faces. even i have to pretend that i'm interested in the talks they give. argh!!! i don't want to pretend!!! i want to be me. but how can i in this kind of family? other than my siblings and my tv, i have no will to live in this house. this is so irritating and mind-torturing. argh!!!

ok. i'm still so bored. the day is so hot and humid. and there is nothing to do other than watching my youtube shows and watching tv. i think all my life is spent wasting on television shows and all those entertainment stuff. i'm just wasting my life away. don't you think people are such weirdos? i mean when you have work or school, you wish to have a holiday or a break. but when the break or holiday comes, people wish to work or study. i'm a live example. i really wish to have something to do. although there is one certain thing i have to do at home which is the only or maybe the most troublesome work i have to do in the world, i have no wish to do. and that is housechores. argh!!! my gosh. who wants to pack the house man? i mean stiffing all the dust and clearing all the books. argh!!! thinking of it makes me sick. haha. i don't mind washing and hanging the clothes or maybe wash the dishes. but packing, no way!!! haha.

i went to ritz carlton yesterday to fill up the job application. they said they will call me when they need people. i guess they won't be calling me forever. so that means i'm still jobless. haix.. i seriously need a job!!! i want a job!!! math tutor, anyone? it's for free!!! i'm desperate to do something. come on man!! i think i'm so weird. i'm a weirdo. lalalalalalalala~ haha. ok this shows that i'm seriously bored. youtube is so slow. haix... i'm just crapping here. haha.

oh ya. come to think of it. i think i'll be locking up my blog. seriously, i don't wish to let people know about me much. i guess this is my weakness point. haha. other than my cousins and certain friends, i don't really wish to let anyone know about this place. this is the place where i let out my emotions and where i feel safe to express myself. so i don't really want to let many people know about this place to disrupt this safe place. i like this place. it's like a diary where i can hear advice and encouraging words from my love ones when i have difficulty telling them face to face or tell them through the MSN. so i think my decision to lock this place is right. hope people out there who come and view this blog would understand. but the problem is i don't know how to lock it!!! argh!!! i'm so weird. i explain so much about why i want to lock this place but i don't know how to lock. haha. ok. i know it's quite lame. haha. i'll ask cindy for help to lock this place of mine. haha.

guess i gtg now. don't have much to say too although i've been crapping alot here. haha. well, gtg now. bye!

Saturday, December 02, 2006


dear faeriefable

well, i'm pretty bored now. the youtube server is loading so slowly... and i have to wait for so long for 1 video to load completely. so while i'm waiting for the video to load, i decided to blog. life's been pretty dull. there's not much to do and i don't really want to stay at home and face the faces of my folks. they've been PMSing these few days especially papa. what's the problem with him man? depression? he's been like scolding everyone in the house for like no reasons or just small matters. talking crap all the time. and i have to pretend that i'm interested in his talks or else i get scolded again. argh!!! all this is because of the family problem. he's scared that everyone's going to leave him and whatsoever. now i don't even dare to face him. argh!!!

so i urgently need a job now in order to earn money and get away from home. the reason why i'm always up at night is because i don't want to wake up early the next day to face the folks. that is why i bathe so late at night to keep myself awake so that i will be able to sleep very late and wake up very late the next day. sometimes, i just refuse to wake up from my sleep even if i'm already awake and return to my sleep again. i just don't want to get off my bed and leave the room. just pretend that i'm sleeping even if mum comes and wake me up. i know this sounds so weird but it's the truth. i think maybe this time to avoid things is the best way to face problems. i don't know. i really need some advice but the problem is the people around me just don't understand the situation in my family. haix... what am i to do?

my face is like getting worse and worse by the day. pimples and dark rings are like growing and growing even more. and my eyes are so listless. maybe it's because of the late nights that i've been having. but i think i'm going to perservere. in this break, i have decided to exercise and get into shape. well, not a perfect shape but at least a healthy shape. i want to get rid of all the fats!!! i've been doing 50 sit ups everyday [except for today] with boy. now my stomach muscles are aching. my thighs are also aching but [not as much as the stomach] because i've been climbing stairs and walking around TP for 3 days non stop. but i must complete my mission. so i don't think i will give up that easily. maybe i'll start running on monday with boy since we're both so free. haha.

i really admit that boredom kills. it's really really really very monotonous these few days. somebody help me!!! haha. okok. i guess i gtg now. bye!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

TP Rawks is over!

dear faeriefable

finally the 3-day TP Rawks camp is over. the past few days at TP Rawks camp was really exhausting but it was fun though. haha. didn't really made many friends because i only stick to my own group of friends [ming fang, peck hong and nicole]. it didn't really end off well because the JAM and HOP was not really my kind of thing. it's something like clubbing and i don't really like loud music so i left halfway through JAM and HOP. now i know clubbing is not my cup of tea so maybe i will not try it next time. haha. i also tried dragon boating. it was awesome. love it so much although it was only for a short while. haha. well, overall i think TP is a great school and polytechnic is not what people imagine as a sloth school. it also requires great hard work and passion for the course that you choose. after the tour around TP, i also found out many interesting courses like retail, marketing and applied food science and nutrition. but if i go to poly, my first choice would still be hospitality and tourism management. i guess these 3 days isn't a waste of time. at least i learnt something and it will help me in my decision to choose either JC or poly. haha.

jet hasn't contact me for ages. heard that his brother's [justin] eyes are swollen. must have seen something that he should not see. haha. just kidding. poor thing, have to bear with the swollen eyes. well, jet's SIM card is spoilt and i never see him online recently plus he doesn't call me these few days. so we hadn't talk for ages. sometimes, i really have a lot of things to tell him. but these few days was too tiring for me to tell him stuff. i would just come home, bathe, watch my 10pm show and sleep. i think he's angry with me about the errand that xiang gave me that day. he didn't go with me so i was pissed with him but i didn't said anything nasty to him. i only showed him a cold voice. a voice that meant i don't wish to talk to you now. but i'm cool now. and everything is over. so i'm no longer angry with him. instead i kind of miss my best buddy. come on, jet!!! don't like that leh. haha.

i think i'll be calling ritz carlton today to ask for any job vacancies for me and joanne. i hope they have. i really want to work in this long break. don't really want to waste my time. Actually i intend to read lots and lots of storybooks to improve my english but i only a read a few pages of the first book and got tired of it. gosh!!! how am i going to improve my english!!! i must really perservere... i must read. i must read. i must read. self-hypnotize really works. haha.

later i think i'll be going to cindy's house. will be great fun at her house!!! haha. going ECP with teng, boy and ying to cycle. hopefully i'll be blading!!! woohoo. it's been a long time since i went to ECP and blade. haha. oh ya. i've also watched the first 2 episodes of hua yang shao nian shao nu, played by ella and wu zun. it's so funny. the third episode is not up yet. so i'll just have to wait. i'm also watching zhong ji yi ban. it's quite funny but lame at times. haha. since there isn't much show for me to watch, i'll just have to watch this. sounds like i'm force to watch it. haha. but it's not really a bad show. taken from a comic i guess. haha.

ok i gtg now. will blog when i get to use the com. haha. bye!